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Welcome all new and renewing members!  

Member Benefits

Membership dues are effective on a 12 month period.  You will receive renewal notices when your payment is due for the next 12 months.     

 Membership Levels:

  • Individual Membership: $50.00
  • Student Membership: $25.00 (student under 17 years old) 
  • Family Membership: $75.00
  • Senior Membership: (Over 65) $40.00

Membership Profile and Membership Directory

You will get your own membership profile with password.  You will be able to self-manage your information.  If your website or email changes, you will need to update your profile. With any membership you will get your very own PHOTO Album holding up to 50 photos.  

Note:  The system generates a password that will be emailed to you.  We recommend you change this password to something you would like.

Classes & Workshops
WAL organizes classes and workshops on an ongoing basis.  Working with a more experienced artist in a focused learning environment is a great way to refine existing skills and learn new ones or to learn more about a medium or approach with which you are not familiar.  In addition, WAL hosts summer art classes for children and adults.

Art Groups
Artists are invited to participate in art groups that meet regularly to explore and create art, focusing on one common facet of art, like portraits, still lifes, Artist Trading Cards, Plein Air, or other kinds of art.  They are open groups with no instructor.

Judged Art Shows
The Woodlands Art League is a member of The Lone Star Art Guild (LSAG) and we host an LSAG ruled show annually.  The show is open to all our members and other LSAG members. All submitted artwork is judged by an independent artist/judge hired by our league. See LSAG website for rules. 

Guest Artist Demonstrations and Special Events
After each monthly general meeting, a guest artist may give a demonstration of his or her art. We seek people who have a variety of skills and interests and those we might not normally have an opportunity to see here. Included are artists who work in oils, watercolors, mixed media, pastels, etc. Other special events may be art talks, presentations by retailers, or art critiques.

Exhibiting Your Art Work

Artists may be extended the opportunity to exhibit their artworks in various ways including.

Community Involvement
We are a Charity Partner of the Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival, helping to provide hundreds of volunteer hours to make this event a success. In addition, our artists have contributed to Montgomery County Habitat for Humanity, Market Street Art Fairs, The Woodlands High School Art Trust “Palettes & Paintings”, The Woodlands High School Orchestra and Booster Club and Inspiration Ranch Art Doodles. 

Membership dues are paid annually by June 1st.  If you haven't renewed your member dues yet, please do so by printing out application below and follow the directions.  Remember, WAL's fiscal year runs June 1st thru May 31st of the following year.  

Individual Membership: $40.00
Student Membership: $10.00 (student under 17 years old)
Couple Membership: $57.50 
Family Membership: $60.00
Senior Membership: (Over 65) $25.00 Senior Couple Membership $40.00

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Help us Keep Art for Everyone!

Please think of us for your end of the year giving! We need your help to raise money for underwriting our 2025 expenses.
Your gift to WAL is tax-deductible. Please click the DONATE button to support our wonderful Woodlands Art League!

The Woodlands Art League’s purpose is to further the cause and interest in the visual arts through teaching, programs, demonstrations, exhibitions, and community involvement. The organization is organized exclusively for educational purposes and is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. 


701 Sawdust Rd.

Spring, TX 77380

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